液晶型径向偏振光起偏器器(Radially Polarization Converter)及角向偏振起偏器(Azimuthally Polarization Converter,方位角偏振光发生器)能够将传统的线偏振光束转化为径向偏振光或者角向偏振光,并且可以在径向偏振光和角向偏振光之间进行切换。可使用350~1700nm波长范围。
wavelength range
350-1700 nm
active area
10 mm diameter
better than 75% (in the VIS)
retarder material
Nematic Liquid-Crystal
Substrates material
Glass bk7
Local extinction ratio (input Intensity/ouput intensity) when placed between crossed polarizers
~100 @ 633nm
Output intensity homogenity
< 1/100 RMS variation
temperature range
Save operating limit
500 W/cm2 CW
300 mJ/cm2 10 ns, visible
200 mJ/cm2 10 ns, 1064 nm
Total size of the housing
6 cm x 4 cm x 1.5 cm